Next Stop for Artability: The Paramount in Huntington

by | May 30, 2024 | Blog, Shows & Events

We are thrilled to announce the next leg of our Artability 2024 tour at The Paramount in Huntington! Join us on June 5th for the Opening Reception and witness the inspiring collection of this year’s exhibition.

Event Details:

  1. Date: June 5th, 2024
  2. Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
  3. Location: The Paramount, Huntington

Artability is a traveling art exhibition organized by the Spirit of Huntington Art Center. It showcases the exceptional talents of individuals from Long Island and the surrounding areas who have various physical and cognitive challenges.

The mission of Artability is threefold:

  1. Educate: Raise awareness about the remarkable talents of people with diverse abilities.
  2. Inspire: Encourage individuals to explore their own creativity beyond their perceived limitations.
  3. Promote Inclusion: Advocate for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the arts.